Susan Harkins
ssharkins at
Sat Dec 8 15:30:09 CST 2007
You are giving me a headache. ;) Susan H. >I am up to field 63 and now have 954 million data points, in 20 gig of data > space. BTW I broke this destination (vertical) table out into its own db > but on the same drive (raid) as the source (wide) table. I doubt that is > the reason, however I am only averaging about 200 seconds per field at > this > point and the insert time isn't climbing as I had expected. > > I have to wonder what the effect would be of running Windows 2003 x64 with > SQL Server x64 and 8 gigs of ram (the max I can put in the machine) > instead > of 4 gigs (the max that Windows 2003 x32 can handle). I tried BTW to do > the > install, but it failed and I didn't have time to pursue it.