Arthur Fuller
fuller.artful at
Sun Mar 29 07:27:43 CDT 2009
Me too. A few days back JWC made a comment about the SQL list and its members' failure to supply productive replies. I suppose that I am one of the guilty parties, and I apologize for citing "BOL" etc. as the place to look for answers. But while we are discussing references, I want to plug a book written by an occasional visitor to the SQL list. Paul Nielson's SQL Bible is fantastic. I can't think of another book I own that has been more thoroughly thumbed through, and has more sticky notes stuck on imporant pages. A couple of months ago I met Paul at SQLTeach in Montreal and he is not only extremely knowledgable but also very approachable. And finally, he has a project called Nordic which is an object-relational code generator. Anyone working in Visual Studio etc. should examine Paul's project. It is quite amazing. Visit Note: I'm replying to a message and thus this will end up on the Access list not the SQL list.... But many readers have both interests in mind. And I will cc the SQL list with this message, too. Arthur