[dba-Tech] Indirect Synchronization blues

Steven W. Erbach serbach at new.rr.com
Mon Dec 8 14:20:41 CST 2003

Dear Group,

I thought I'd try here with a limited stab at my overall problem with Indirect Synchronization.

I set up an FTP folder on my web site (hosted by CrystalTech). The folder is protected by a user name and password. I then went to Windows Explorer (I'm using Windows 2000) and added a Network Place. I typed in the following:

    ftp://jobanalysis@www.swerbach.com (jobanalysis is the User Name)

in the Add Network Place Wizard. I then named the folder "JA" and Windows asked me for the password for the jobanalysis User Name. As soon as I did that I saw the JA folder appear under My Network Places. I also saw a folder named www.swerbach.com appear under Internet Explorer. So there are two folders in Windows Explorer that now point to the same FTP folder.

So far so good. Now I wanted to map a network drive letter to the folder...but when I select the new JA FTP folder in the Browse window, the OK button remains unavailable. I can't, apparently, assign a drive letter to that FTP folder.

I'm stymied right out of the starting blocks. I can't select that JA folder when I'm configuring Indirect Synchronization in Replication Manager either. Anyone have any ideas?
Steve Erbach
Scientific Marketing
Neenah, WI

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