[dba-Tech] Blocked Sender's List or Is this the right list for this kind of question?

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Thu Nov 6 16:32:05 CST 2003

On 6 Nov 2003 at 8:16, Rocky Smolin - Beach Access S wrote:

> Every time I get a spam I add it to my blocked senders list (OE).  I've got
> about three hundred names in there now and add a couple every day.
> I'm wondering if this is doing any good.  It would be nice to have a counter
> which shows if an email has been blocked by the blocked sender's list, but I
> don't know that it ever is.
> In any event nothing's unlimited and eventually can this list become so long
> it is unweildy?
> Is it doing any good at all to block these spam senders?
A complete waste of time. Spammers do not use the same name/address 

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