DBCfour at aol.com
DBCfour at aol.com
Sun Nov 16 21:42:29 CST 2003
Maybe something here? http://www.slipstick.com/addins/housekeeping.htm Donna In a message dated 11/16/2003 8:25:29 PM Eastern Standard Time, jcolby at colbyconsulting.com writes: > Thanks for that but I already have about 10,000 or so emails in my pst. I > can't see myself doing what you suggest to 10,000 emails anytime in the next > century. > > I am looking for a utility (I'll write my own if necessary) that will allow > me to strip off the attachments to all emails already in my pst, preferably > only those before a certain date (already x days / months old). > > It seems like a reasonable thing to do so I thought someone might already > know of one. >