[dba-Tech] Guiness World Record Search

Arthur Fuller artful at rogers.com
Fri Sep 19 19:44:45 CDT 2003

In a discussion today I cited a "fact" that I recalled from an unremembered
source, that claimed that the world record for longest time underwater
without breathing apparatus (and survival) was 23 minutes. My friend said
she could beat that easily. I think both my recollection of the record and
her claim are preposterous. I visited the Guiness site and was amazed at how
awkward this engine is. I tried a dozen things to find this record, and
couldn't come up with the right combination of words.

I would like to know 2 records:

1. Longest time anyone has held his breath (and survived, with or without
brain damage).

2. Longest time anyone has remained underwater without breathing apparatus
(same provisos).

Any URLs or search engine clause improvements to suggest? I tried:

underwater records
longest time underwater (bad choice, it returned submarine voyages etc.)

and found nothing.

This conversation took place with a woman who claims to be able to remain
underwater without apparatus for 15 minutes. I countered with a best
estimate of 2 minutes. (In fact, since she's an occasional smoker, my
realistic estimate is 1 minute, but she's gorgeous so I flattered her :-)


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