[dba-Tech] VirtualPC??

Mark Breen marklbreen at gmail.com
Tue Dec 13 15:49:51 CST 2005

Hello Francisco,

I have been using it for at least a year now, and I find it great.

For me, it has installed first time, every time and and I have always
immediately installed the sp1 right away.  After that, I mount an ISO image
and reboot the virtual machine and it just installs the new machine, I have
created Win XP, Win2K with no problems at all.

Once I get a machine set up, I then save it as a read only machine and then
copy that folder and make new machines that I can play with and then trash.
I have successfully .Net 2003 and 2005 and SQL 2000 and SQL 2005.  All with
no errors even.

Finally, I always Remote Desktop into it rather than attempting to use is as
a Window.  The Remote Desktop connection makes the virtual machine seem like
it is a real machine, sometimes I have to check the IP address to remind

Thanks another thing, I always explicitly set the IP address of the V PC and
change the machine name to reflect the IP address, so it is easy to identify
which machines you are in.

The V machines can be a bit slow, but I do not mind that, once they are up
and running they are fine.

It is better to have 1 GB or more in the base machine, so you can allocate
512 to the V machine and the same to your host machine.  On my desktop, I
have 2 gb and it does not seem to be much better than the home machine I
have with only 1 gb.

Oh, and you might find that you need plenty of storage also, for when you
have a few machines running :)

I have not played with Virtual Server yet, but have been meaning to.

Best of luck with it, it is surely the most convenient way to play with
software, as I write this I am in the process of installing Commerce Server
on a V machine.

Hello to any old friends on the list.


On 12/8/05, Francisco Tapia <fhtapia at gmail.com> wrote:
> Has anyone played with virtual PC?,
> I attended the Microsoft Launch on Dec 6th, and received some trial
> software that I wanted to try out, including the windows 2003
> enterprise w/ the tech preview of biztalk server. (not to menton the
> vs2005/sql2005 standard ed's
> from reading the docs on virtual pc, it sounds like the correct
> platform for me.  this way I can try out sql2005 and vs2005 w/o
> affecting my current sql2000 and vs2003 installs.
> any advise or warnings?
> --
> -Francisco
> http://pcthis.blogspot.com |PC news with out the jargon!
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