[dba-Tech] Sloooow pc

Bobby Heid bheid at appdevgrp.com
Tue Nov 8 07:02:51 CST 2005

You might want to look at Hijackthis to see if it finds anything dunning
that should not be.


-----Original Message-----
From: dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Jon Tydda
Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 7:38 AM
To: Dba-Tech (E-mail)
Subject: [dba-Tech] Sloooow pc

Hi all
I've got a user here who's always complaining about her pc being slow. I
usually tell her to run disk cleanup and defrag, then restart the pc and
it'll be ok, and usually it is. Yesterday however, I ran them, and it was
still just as slow afterwards, so I threw her off it and hit it with
literally everything - deleted all the temp files that disk cleanup doesn't
remove, ran spybot and microsoft anti-spyware, ran a virus scan, emptied all
the cookies and internet objects out of internet explorer, updated as much
software as I could (windows update is blocked by the company firewall, yet
office update isn't...), rebooted it, ran disk cleanup again, then defragged
it three times.
It's still running very slowly. When you change sheets in excel it stops and
thinks about it for 10-20 seconds, and browsing on the network is horrible.
I'm out of ideas... I've looked at the server, there's nothing untoward
going on there that I can see, and that was only restarted itself on Friday.
I don't think it's a network issue because everyone would be complaining,
wouldn't they? I've certainly not noticed anything slow on the network
unless you're in a folder with 1000+ files.
The pc in question is a P4 1.7 with 512mb RAM. She's asked for more memory,
but I don't think it's going to help, as the tasks she's asking it to do are
hardly memory intensive.
Does anyone have any thoughts on what it could be, or what I've missed in
terms of scanning?

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