[dba-Tech] FYI: Windows Update woes

Gustav Brock Gustav at cactus.dk
Wed Oct 26 02:24:52 CDT 2005

Hi all

Bob Qin of "Microsoft Online Partner Support" reported back in the support forum, that this is the solution.
Regarding why the client is needed he states:

The Client for Microsoft Networks is an essential networking software component for the Microsoft Windows family of operating systems and some important services depend on it. For example: BITS.

So that's why.


>>> Gustav at cactus.dk 18-10-2005 14:09 >>>
Hi all

We just spent a day or more at a client's machine which would nicely download Windows updates but wouldn't install them.
Everything had been turned upside down except a complete reinstall - and believe me, many things from registry entries, IE settings, and all sorts of reinstalls and reregistering dlls to update of the MS root certificate and user rights can be checked.

Finally, for some reason, we focused on error 0x80240FFF and googled this page:

If you browse to near the bottom you'll see a twin posting:
marcoaa at gmail.com09-29-2005, 12:02 AM
joopbraak at 12move.nl09-29-2005, 12:26 AM

  Did you check your Network settings?
  I heard (yes, really!) that "Client for Microsoft networks" 
  needs to be installed for Windows Update to work.

and that's it! 
We missed words and have not recovered yet. A couple of hours, strong coffee and premium quality chocolates may be needed to absorb this top level MS finesse ...


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