[dba-Tech] Ctrl-Alt-Del

Steve Erbach erbachs at gmail.com
Wed Feb 22 12:40:15 CST 2006


Arf! Arf!

Steve Erbach

On 2/22/06, Peter Brawley <peter.brawley at earthlink.net> wrote:
> Steve,
> >Kids?  You bet, three of them.
> >One is the world's loudest seven-year-old girl.
> >As you pointed out to Andrew,
> >this is more habit than anything.
> A habit to go broke by :-) .
> PB
> ----
> Steve Erbach wrote:
> > John,
> >
> > Kids?  You bet, three of them.  One is the world's loudest seven-year-old girl.
> >
> > As you pointed out to Andrew,  this is more habit than anything.  I
> > could certainly have adjusted with no problem; but I got to searching
> > for the option to require Ctrl-Alt-Del and I got miffed that I
> > couldn't find it.  The Help is obviously wrong.  So I just looked and
> > looked until I found it.  Now I've got it and I ain't a gonna give it
> > up!  And soon I'll have every little utility installed that I want so
> > that I can Ghost the whole schmeer onto my "old" C: drive and at least
> > have some sort of backup.
> >
> > It isn't on a doman.  I believe I mentioned that I've been dabbling
> > with Windows Server 2003...but I only installed the Standard edition
> > so there's no domain.  I'm also dabbling with SQL Server 2005.  That's
> > the primary reason for me to reformat one of my drives and re-install
> > everything.  I had installed the beta of SS2005 and then munged up the
> > un-install so that SQL Server 2000 Enterprise Manager didn't work
> > right and neither did Visual Studio .NET 2003.  Now they all work
> > happily together on the one box.
> >
> > Steve Erbach
> > http://TheTownCrank.blogspot.com

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