[dba-Tech] PC problem

Jon Tydda jon at tydda.plus.com
Mon Mar 19 14:59:50 CDT 2007

It's a dual head card, nVidia GeForce 6800 GT, running a Dell 19" TFT and a
WesEri 19" TFT (no, I never heard of them either, but they were cheap!).
I've checked both connectors, and both DVI-to-Analogue adaptors. Guess the
only thing left is to reseat the card, or find another one.

Thanks Gary :-)


-----Original Message-----
From: dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Gary Kjos
Sent: 19 March 2007 18:53
To: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues
Subject: Re: [dba-Tech] PC problem

Got the monitor connection cable screwed in tight?  Maybe unplug it and
reseat it to make sure the connection is good and solid. I always screw them
in but I know a lot of people don't. Might also be worth pulling the video
card and reseating it. Maybe pushing the chips in on the card itself. I'm
thinking it's the cable though.....do both monitors hook into the same video
connection with a splitter? or is one on VGA and another on DVI? Or seperate
video cards?  If they are the same connection than it must be the cable. If
seperate then the video card itself may be fried. Do you have a different
video card you could swap in temporarlily?

Good luck


On 3/19/07, Jon Tydda <jon at tydda.plus.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> I've got a "slight" problem with my PC... yesterday, I was playing 
> Company of Heroes, and just as I was about to storm the German 
> headquarters, my screen turned several shades of pink, with yellow 
> lines radiating out from my mouse cursor... this carried of for around 
> 30 seconds, before the PC restarted itself.
> When it restarted, it had lots of green wavy lines on the screen (both 
> of them), around half an inch long, in sets of four, one pair slightly 
> offset above and to the right of the other. Since then, I have 
> downloaded new drivers for the graphics card, run 5 anti-spyware 
> programs, 3 anti-virus programs, Trojan Hunter, run disk clean, 
> defrag, even done a chkdsk from the Windows CD. After none of those
worked, I did a repair install of windows.
> That's not worked either, and I've spent the rest of the afternoon 
> putting all the windows updates back onto the PC.
> I've even tried using the older drivers that I had installed before 
> downloading the new ones.
> One thing it is doing now that it wasn't before, every time I try and 
> resize an internet explorer window, or even close it, is to blue 
> screen and tell me that there is a problem with nv4_disp.dll, so I 
> googled it, and downloaded a replacement one from a trustworthy 
> looking website (www.dll-guide.com), but it's made no difference.
> I think I know the answer to this, but I'm hoping to try and get away 
> with not having to buy any new hardware... does anyone have any ideas?
> Jon
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