[dba-Tech] Multiple versions Access on one machine - Was: VM for different versions of Access

jwcolby jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Fri Mar 28 10:56:32 CDT 2008


Yes, you have to install updates for the older programs as you install the
program itself.  There are things installed later that can prevent
installing the updates in previous versions.

Office is really a mess from an installation point of view.  You place each
version in its own directory but files still "leak out" into the system
directory, and also into the registry.

So yes, install 97 and ALL of its updates, then the next version, then the
next etc.  All the available updates before moving on to the next version.

Even when you do this, there were versions that insisted on an "install" if
another version was the last used.  I don't really remember them much any
more since I am now doing all of my dev work in 2003, even for older
versions such as 2000 and XP (2002).

You really might want to just install 97 and then 2003 and be done with it.
My experience is that 2003 is flawlessly backwards compatible with 2000 and
2002.  97 as you know is a completely different beastie and if you still
need it... well you still need it.

John W. Colby
Colby Consulting
-----Original Message-----
From: dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Tina Norris
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 11:30 AM
To: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues
Subject: Re: [dba-Tech] Multiple versions Access on one machine - Was: VM
for different versions of Access

Thank you Gustav,

On my current main computer I am running Office 2003, with all the updates
except SP3, which I understand has caused difficulties for others.  Just so
I fully understand the process I will need, and whatever "gotchas" are
likely to come along, please walk me through the process.

First, I would un-install my current Access version - do I need to
un-install the entire Office Suite?

Second, I would install Access 97 in its own folder, followed by any other
versions I wish, each in its own folder, until I get to my current version.

How would I handle the several updates that had been downloaded and
installed, and which, presumably will have to be reinstalled?  Do I install
Access 97, go get its updates, install the next version, go get its updates
- and so on until the whole project is complete?

Am I understanding the process correctly?

Thanks for your help,

Gustav Brock wrote:
> Hi Tina
> No problem. I have all Access versions from 2.0 to 2007 installed on WinXP
> Just install from oldest to newest and _always_ deselect any "upgrade"
options, and _always_ install to another folder than the default "Microsoft
Office". Replace this with "Microsoft Office 97" and so on.
> /gustav
>>>> tinanfields at torchlake.com 27-03-2008 21:24 >>>
> ..  Or, do I dare install Access 97 on my Windows XP Pro machine?
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