[dba-Tech] From body of email to a spreadsheet

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Sat Dec 26 13:07:28 CST 2009

I hadn't really thought of that, but that forces our reviewers to have a 
specific piece of software -- wonder if google docs would be an option? I 
hadn't thought of that -- thanks Rocky.

Susan H.
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rocky Smolin" <rockysmolin at bchacc.com>
To: "'Discussion of Hardware and Software issues'" 
<dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com>
Sent: Saturday, December 26, 2009 1:57 PM
Subject: Re: [dba-Tech] From body of email to a spreadsheet

> Another option being used by one of my clients is to supply the customers
> with a template - they use excel but I suppose you could use Word.
> R
> -----Original Message-----
> From: dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
> [mailto:dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Susan Harkins
> Sent: Saturday, December 26, 2009 10:02 AM
> To: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues
> Subject: Re: [dba-Tech] From body of email to a spreadsheet
> The problem is that there's no consistent format -- responders just type 
> as
> they like. I have to cut and paste into Word where I delete hard returns.
> Then, I paste into an Excel cell -- that works Okay but is a real pia when
> there's a lot of comments.
> I really don't think there's an easier way other than to convince the 
> powers
> that be that a web app is the way to go! ;) That would eliminate 99% of 
> the
> work, but would cost money to develop.
> Susan H.
>> Hi Susan,
>> If you copy the lists into a Word document, are they such that it
>> would be easy to use Table>Convert>Ttext to table?  If so, then the
>> new table would be easy to export into Excel.
>> Hope you had a wonderful day, yesterday - I did.
>> T
>> Susan Harkins wrote:
>>> A few times a month, I receive emails that contain longs lists -- and
>>> the format is never the same. I must then copy those lists into an
>>> Excel spreadsheet. It is time consuming. :(
>>> I'm going to play around with this today and see if I can't find some
>>> kind of shortcut by copying it into Word first... but there's got to
>>> be a better way than just pasting each item individually into an
>>> Excel cell.
>>> Any ideas would be appreciated.
>>> Susan H.
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