[dba-Tech] wireless trouble

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Tue Jun 2 15:06:44 CDT 2009

> Assuming it has been installed by you, you would have created a WEP (basic
> standard) key 5-13 ascii characters (there are higher levels).
> If you didn't install it then you need to get the installation disk and
> reinstall it.
> If you cannot get the key you will not get it.  It will not be "found".
> Having said all that, there are some clever guys on here and somebody may 
> be
> able to correct me.  If you have a manual you may find what the default 
> key
> is set to and try that.

===========When installing the router, it didn't ask for a key. When 
installing the adapter the first time around (on a different system), it is 
possible that I entered a key, but I can't find it written down anywhere --  
I have a pw that I use for everything (I know, I know...) and it doesn't 

Are you saying I need to start over from scratch and reinstall the router 

Susan H. 

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