[dba-Tech] FW: Friday's Visual Basic World Submissions: A1 FULL CGI/ASP Website Using only VB6 ...

Max Wanadoo max.wanadoo at gmail.com
Fri Sep 4 15:33:53 CDT 2009

You missed the bit where it says...

<invoke XML Bloat thingy.>
<.XML bloat>


-----Original Message-----
From: dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com
[mailto:dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] On Behalf Of Stuart McLachlan
Sent: 04 September 2009 21:27
To: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues
Subject: Re: [dba-Tech] FW: Friday's Visual Basic World Submissions: A1 FULL
CGI/ASP Website Using only VB6 ...

On 4 Sep 2009 at 15:39, Max Wanadoo wrote:

> I think it is a throwback to the days when a person could code anything
> a small footprint, fast processing, and rapid deployment all combined.

Those days are still here. You are describing PB/WIn from PowerBasic

> You know, before BLOAT and before "Ease of Use" became a dirty word.  

That is a real compiler directive in PB/Win:
#BLOAT metastatement
 Artificially inflate the disk image size of a compiled program.
 #BLOAT size_expression
 #BLOAT allows the creation of artificially bloated program files on disk,
in order to match or 
exceed that generated by competing "BloatWare" compilers.  #BLOAT does not
affect the 
memory image size (running size) of a compiled program.

> Whatever we do now with the new-fangled programming languages, nothing
> changes to what is delivered to the client.  

I'm right in the processing of re-writing the VB6 data entry applications
for the PNG Electoral 
Roll in PB/Win.  Looks exactly the same, but it's smaller and faster with no
dependencies on 
registered components so it's zero configuration on workstation.

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