[dba-Tech] netbook as a home music server

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Wed Oct 12 14:57:56 CDT 2011

Just the time involves in ripping about a thousand CDs.  

I can remember when we described data storage capacity in KiloBytes.  Now, it seems that 
Megabytes is being replaced by  TeraBytes as the standard unit.  How long before we start 
referring to it in PetaBytes :-) 


On 12 Oct 2011 at 14:13, Peter Brawley wrote:

> Why not just rip CDs to FLACs onto a music server, and point & click
> when we want to hear 'em? Seems to me a wee $300 NetBook with a .25TB
> drive and HDMI could hold about a thousand CDs in lossless FLAC form
> and deliver the material digitally straight to the HDMI input in our
> receiver with better quality than most CD players costing three times
> that much. Anybody have an idea what might be wrong with this setup?

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