[dba-Tech] OT: Literary Question

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Fri Apr 6 13:23:17 CDT 2012

Hi Susan

Strange. I don't read many books these years - too busy with other tasks - but those books written by him that I read many years ago still stands as some of my best literary experiences. 
They are kept in a box somewhere should I ever find the time again.


>>> ssharkins at gmail.com 06-04-12 15:42 >>>
I love the way he phrased that like he knows the rest of us have actually 
read it... as if... ;)

I've tried to read several of his books -- can't do it. Boring as hell.

Susan H.

> Francs and Napoleons, IIRC.
> In Dostoevsky's The Gambler, what was the currency used? I don't think it
> was rubles but cannot remember.
> --

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