[dba-Tech] Excel ? from reader

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Tue Jun 19 10:53:53 CDT 2012


Excel file (I'll call it "parent").  When opened, some cells are linked to other Excel files, I'll call "child 1" and "child 2".  Actually, 140 of them.


Parent has a cell, let's say C15.  It contains:  ='C:\[child1.xls]Sheet1'!$a15


Child (children) are all password-protected.


These were all created under Excel 2003, all worked fine.  Parent updated from children when parent was opened, never asked for password.  


Upgraded to Excel 2007, now opening parent prompts for a password for each child it tries to update from!  140 children.140 passwords.


Any idea what happened?  Or how to fix?


===========Beats me -- anyone had this kind of experience after upgrading? 

Susan H. 

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