[dba-Tech] PCs are here to stay

Salakhetdinov Shamil mcp2004 at mail.ru
Mon Jan 14 04:13:03 CST 2013

 Hi Jim --

Thank you for your notice.

Because of this Linux has seen remarkable growth in  adoption.
But how remarkable that growth is? - percent of Linux vs. Windows 8 installed on the new PCs sold worldwide in the fall of the year 2012?

Thank you.

-- Shamil

Воскресенье, 13 января 2013, 20:48 -08:00 от "Jim Lawrence" <accessd at shaw.ca>:
>One major factoid in amongst all the hype about the ever expanding Tablet
>and Smartphone market is the PC market is remaining absolutely stable.
>Just because its popularity is dropping in comparison to other growing
>products does not mean it sales are dropping; it is just that other products
>sales are growing and more users are coming to the market. What is happening
>is that PC sales are still in the millions.
>With Windows basically abandoning the PC, by either demanding users move to
>Windows 8 and by stopping the sales of Windows 7, it has left a big vacuum
>in Operating Systems. Because of this Linux has seen remarkable growth in
>Today, I spoke with a fellow who had the pleasure and took the risk of
>allowing Ubuntu Linux 12.4, on half his network. He now wants me to have a
>talk with two more of his business friends about various Linux options,
>maybe sometime next week. These sites may seem small but put together with
>thousands of non-aligned techs through out the country the impact will be
>...And the truth is, once people step over into the Linux world, find it is
>all they need, enjoy the price and the rock-solid stability, they are
>unlikely to come back for anything less. Windows has done the Linux world a
>wonderful service and they deserve a hardy thank you.
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