[dba-Tech] How far will Microsoft go?

Salakhetdinov Shamil mcp2004 at mail.ru
Thu May 23 02:46:58 CDT 2013

Hi Jim --
That (loosing privacy bit by bit) seems to be the mainstream tendency:
"Privacy 'impossible' with Google Glass warn campaigners"


"Is Your Teen Sharing Too Much Online?"


-- Shamil
Четверг, 23 мая 2013, 0:15 -07:00 от "Jim Lawrence" <accessd at shaw.ca>:
>Here is a link to a rather chilling article on Microsoft's new approach to
>hardware development.
>"... However, I also fear it like I fear anything that sits in my apartment,
>watching and listening to me at all times. If you want to use the Xbox One,
>you have to use the Kinect. According to Polygon, it will always be
>listening. You can't disconnect it. You can't turn it off. It can't be
>bargained with. It can't be reasoned with. It doesn't feel pity, or remorse,
>or fear. And if you use your Xbox One for watching TV, it will be watching
>you whenever you're in your living room. The features might be handy, but
>the features don't have any opt out; the only way to get the Kinect to not
>watch and listen to you is to turn the Xbox One off.
>The Xbox One seems like a huge upgrade to the Xbox 360 in features, but it
>also seems like a huge downgrade in freedom..."
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