[dba-Tech] Windows 8: Not!

Salakhetdinov Shamil mcp2004 at mail.ru
Sat May 25 00:00:59 CDT 2013

Hi Arthur --

> I have yet to encounter a single person who likes the WIn8 interface

Count me in the ones who likes Win8/WinPhone interfaces.

Thank you.

-- Shamil

Friday, May 24, 2013 3:56 PM -04:00 from Arthur Fuller <fuller.artful at gmail.com>:
> I have yet to encounter a single person who likes the WIn8 interface. Not
> on, in my admiddedly small number of participants (~200), Not one single
> person prefers this; I am getting one-hour gigs to please roll this back to
> WIndows 7, which I can understand. This Win8 shyte may be fine for newbies
> but anyone acquainted with the old school feels alone and isolated, and
> suddenly I have a new (albeit very short) customer relationship which
> involves nuking Windows 8 and replacing it with Windows 7.
> I can't conceive of a worse scenario for an OS than this So far as I can
> see, not one single person in the universe (outside of Redmond) considers
> this an advance. Already I have had 20+ clients begging me to roll back
> Win8 to something they can understand. Overall conclusion: Win8 was a very
> very bad idea and those responsible for its deployment should be lined up
> against a wall and summarily executed. Why on on earth did these people
> think this was a Good Thing? Where were their minds on that day? This is
> the most asinine interface ever developed. Bigger buttons = Cool? WTF were
> these people thinking?
> Maybe for the 1% who just got into computing, this might seem coo. But for
> the other 99% who already own at least one computer and probably several
> more, this new interface is an advance into stupidity. It is Wrong, wrong,
> wrong, But on the up-side, I've suddenly got an unexpected revenue stream
> involving un-installing Win8 and replacing it with the far more
> intelligible Win7. At this writing, I'm at 38 clients who have requested
> this retrofit. By the end of the month, I expect this to hit 50 -- which is
> insignificant in the big MS picture, I realize, but in my local tiny pond,
> it matters a lot, and not one single frog in said pond is happy with
> Windows8. And that's not my fault. I had no part to play in their
> decisions. They bought new hardware and hated the OS and asked me to bail
> them out. So I rolled them back to Win7 and they are once again happy
> campers. And so am I, a) because they are happy; b) because I hate Win8 and
> even more, hate trying to fix problems with it; and c) more and more of my
> clients are moving (at my insistence) to Linux, specifically Mint but any
> other version will suffice. I'm running out of gas trying to support
> anything on Windows. It is simply too complicated for an old-timer such as
> myself. Way easier to support Linux apps!
> -- 
> Arthur
> Cell: 647.710.1314
> Prediction is difficult, especially of the future.
> -- Niels Bohr
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