[dba-Tech] Windows 8: Not!

Salakhetdinov Shamil mcp2004 at mail.ru
Mon May 27 17:57:56 CDT 2013

 Hi Arthur --

You can even just use [WindowsKey] alone to toggle Win8 Start screen and MS Windows classic desktop.
BTW, if you have two displays then you can make one working in Win8 mode and another one working in classic desktop mode.

Good Luck!

-- Shamil

P.S. I do not play computer games - I'm just sometimes watching how my kid is playing them - a lot to learn how to interact with modern technologies!

Monday, May 27, 2013 8:01 AM -04:00 from Arthur Fuller <fuller.artful at gmail.com>:
>I definitely fall into the market segment called Old Farts. I have never
>played even one video game in my life. When I want to play a game on my
>computer, I visit chess.com.
>Thanks for the tips on the Windows8 [WindowsKey] + D and +R commands. I
>don't yet have a Windows 8 computer, but my best friend does, so next time
>I visit I'll be sure to try them out.
>On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 4:42 AM, Salakhetdinov Shamil < mcp2004 at mail.ru >wrote:
>>  OK
>> Monday, May 27, 2013 1:38 AM -07:00 from Hans-Christian Andersen <
>>  hans.andersen at phulse.com >:
>> >Very well. Just dismiss our criticism. It's not going to change anything
>> anyways.
>> >
>> >- Hans
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >On 2013-05-27, at 1:33 AM, Salakhetdinov Shamil <  mcp2004 at mail.ru >
>> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Sorry, Hans, your target user group seems to be rather old aged: for
>> many years, when the first PC games with GUI appeared kids (and adult
>> computer gamers) used to learn to move and point mouse cursor on every
>> visible object, in every corner of display screen, every screen side
>> looking for "charms", magic wands, weapons, other helping to pass the
>> games' quests tools...
>> >>
>> >> -- Shamil
>> >>
<<< skipped >>>

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