Jim Lawrence
accessd at shaw.ca
Mon Sep 9 11:41:48 CDT 2013
Hi All: There is a real reason why Steve Balmer is leaving Microsoft. It is the end of the Bill Gates era and things at Microsoft and those that work for the company either directly or indirectly are going to have to make some major changes in their ways of working and thinking. Balmer understood that he is not the person to move MS forward anymore and has decided to bow out. Microsoft is going to be moving in direction and/or focus. This is truly the end of an era, an era where MS provided the platform, much of the products and third party companies provided the rest. That concept from Bill Gates was excellent and very sucessful but it is not working now...times have changed. Universal platforms as we have grown up with them are gone. The purchase of Nikoa has said it all. http://www.slate.com/articles/technology/technology/2013/09/microsoft_nokia_deal_a_great_idea_that_came_too_late_and_killed_windows.html Now that the market is moving away from the a single unified plaform some serious decisions must be made. In the next few years Microsoft as we have known it is going change and I suspect dramatically. Microsoft really has no choice. http://blogs.computerworld.com/windows/22740/heres-why-ballmers-successor-must-diss-windows-save-microsoft We can not have everything moving to the web. Consumers are only interested in portable platforms but these are now considered real business machines. Businesses have different concerns than general user...these clients are the producers. They what server infrastructure and security. I will bet that, even if only internally, Microsoft will spit into two distinct companies. http://readwrite.com/2013/09/05/microsoft-must-split-or-lose-enterprise-customers#awesm=~ogXK3dcq0VOoy7 Aside: Technet is gone. With the empahasis no longer on platform based products MS felt there was no need for ther Technet subscription. Good or bad...I for one was disappointed to see it go. Jim