Arthur Fuller
fuller.artful at
Sat Sep 28 13:01:58 CDT 2013
Wow Jim you seriously bring up the days of old. I remember CP/M and even Apple SOS, Those were the days, back when dBASE II ran within 64K of RAM. Way back when. I met Wayne and Bob Byers too, and I was the first to publish an interview with C. Wayne Ratliff. Also I was the first and only interviewer to land Brian Russell, creator of Clipper.But these stories are long ago, and others have covered the new meat, e.g. Zuckerberg etc. I think that I could do a way better job on such fields, but who cares? Anyway, DOS rocks and I even have an emulator for it, but I love CP/M even more. Bad move, Gary Kilfalll. You could have changed the world but chose instead to take a plane-ride. Thanks for all that ego, Gary. On Sat, Sep 28, 2013 at 1:23 PM, Jim Lawrence <accessd at> wrote: > Hi All: > > If any of you have some techniques for printing to a Windows network > printer from the command prompt I would be interested in knowing. Any other > related issues I would also be eager to know. > > There is a lot of stuff out on the web about such processes but I have a > time limit to come up with the best and most flexible method for > accomplishing this. Any suggestions or/and sample code would be greatly > appreciated. > > MTIA > > Jim > _______________________________________________ > dba-Tech mailing list > dba-Tech at > > Website: > -- Arthur