John R Bartow
jbartow at
Tue Oct 7 11:25:16 CDT 2014
FYI Macheads: A newly discovered zombie network that exclusively targets Apple computers running Mac OS X across the globe has compromised roughly 17,000 machines so far, giving hackers backdoor access to infected computers, researchers at Russian antivirus firm Dr.Web warned. - See more at: utm_source=feedburner < ?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheHackersNews+% 28The+Hackers+News+-+Security+Blog%29&_m=3n.009a.723.kp0aof74zx.f50#sthash.0 bY3V9ii.dpuf> &utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+TheHackersNews+%28The+Hackers+News+-+S ecurity+Blog%29&_m=3n.009a.723.kp0aof74zx.f50#sthash.0bY3V9ii.dpuf 17,000 - it seems do small compared to the million windows pcs zombie networks out there. I guess it's all in the scale of things.