[dba-Tech] Moving and deleting files

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Thu Apr 7 01:49:02 CDT 2016

Hi Jim

If you share a "deep" folder, you can easily create paths that are too long to be accessed from the root level.
So just attach to the server as users would do.

Another option is to use P2V to create a vhd(x) image of the server drive. This you can mount as a drive letter, and then you are absolutely sure to have "everything" at hand and can deal with issues later.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: dba-Tech [mailto:dba-tech-bounces at databaseadvisors.com] På vegne af Jim Lawrence
Sendt: 6. april 2016 23:44
Til: Discussion of Hardware and Software issues <dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com>
Emne: [dba-Tech] Moving and deleting files

Hi All:

I have a question.

I was asked to move data to an archive from a Windows 2003 server, that was about to be decommissioned. It seemed like it should be a very simple task but then I starting running into files and directories, that wouldn't be moved or deleted. (Names too long, directories too deep or just locked in some fashion.) 

I finally booted the server from a USB drive and used a Live Ubuntu server to manage everything on the old drives. 

The question is: Is there a simple Windows solution to these issues? If the client ever wants to manage these files and directories, in the future, they might find themselves really stuck and I would like to leave them some tools they can use. (They are totally freaked with the thought of a Linux option so that is not a choice.)



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