[dba-Tech] How to remove a directory when access is denied

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Mon Jun 26 06:16:49 CDT 2017

You can't just uninstall it? 

Susan H. 

Thanks, Peter and Gustav. Your replies beg the question, How do I run CMD with admin rights? I suppose that the MS people think they are protecting me from doing something stilly, but on occasion I do in fact want to do something silly and/or destructive. I'm tired of folks trying to protect me from my will to destroy the worlds I inhabit I just want to eradicate all traces of MS-SQL and start over. I have the disks for 2008 ++, and want to erase every previous trace of said installations. I have backup software from which I can create an image sans the MS-SQL stuff.

You might ask, Why do I want to do this? Well, a number of job postings of interest demand acquaintance with SQL 2008, which I abandoned years back.
So I have to remove everything to do with MS-SQL and then install those pieces, one virgin at a time. But the OS won't easily let me nuke the whole "Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server" directory and all its children.

How can I do this?


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