[dba-Tech] Access query

Mary Davis m.i.davis at verizon.net
Mon Mar 4 19:27:17 CST 2019

I hope I'm posting my question in the right place.
I'm trying to use a query to match 2 tables: accounts and contacts.The account ID is case sensitive.  (it comes from SalesForce.)
I thought I found a way to add criteria to a simple query to look for case sensitive ID matches.  But I'm not able to figure out how to run this.Is this possible?  If so, can you provide me some instructions?  
This is what I came up with.
SELECT [I&P-44-4-accounts].[Account ID], [I&P-44-4-contacts].[Account ID]FROM [I&P-44-4-accounts] INNER JOIN [I&P-44-4-contacts] ON [I&P-44-4-accounts].[Account ID] = [I&P-44-4-contacts].[Account ID]WHERE (((StrComp([I&P-44-4-accounts.account id],[I&P-44-4-contacts].[account id]))=0));

thanks very much for your help.
MaryWilmington Delaware

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