[dba-Tech] external hard drive

Gustav Brock gustav at cactus.dk
Fri Apr 16 08:29:53 CDT 2021

Hi Susan

I've never seen such issues with external drives - two of those I have are Seagate.
That said, most of the external drives, we use, are from Verbatim. Neither have any of these failed.


-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: dba-Tech <dba-tech-bounces+gustav=cactus.dk at databaseadvisors.com> På vegne af Susan Harkins
Sendt: 16. april 2021 14:26
Til: 'Discussion of Hardware and Software issues' <dba-tech at databaseadvisors.com>
Emne: [dba-Tech] external hard drive

Hi everyone! 


My Seagate external drive has developed a short in the wiring and it's difficult to get the files, which is okay - there's little there that's important for all time - mostly work files that I needed to keep for a bit.
I bought a new one, My Passport, and within a few days it was toast. I received a prompt to format the drive. A little research shows this happens with this brand. So, I'm going to return it, but now I'm wondering what I can trust. Would anyone like to recommend a brand? 


Susan H. 

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