[dba-Tech] Ransomware v. Cloud

Rocky Smolin rockysmolin2 at gmail.com
Mon Jun 7 21:51:40 CDT 2021

I have all of my photos and current client dbs in the cloud.  But I also
have a local hard drive with all the same files.

When I finish with a file I drag and drop it 1) to the cloud (Google drive)
and 2) to the local external ssd. SO in effect, I have 3 copies of every
file - local drive, external drive, and cloud drive.

I do this because I spent my whole adult life doing database
development for clients, many of whose applications were mission critical,
and always had anxiety about not having current off-site backup. And I knew
from experience that from time to time, I would be called on to rescue a
client whose data and/or app went south and they had no backup.

Do a double redundant backup like I have, Arthur, (one local, one 0off
site) and you'll stop worrying about this.


On Mon, Jun 7, 2021 at 7:17 PM Peter Brawley <peter.brawley at earthlink.net>

> On 6/7/2021 6:02 PM, Arthur Fuller wrote:
> > I am a small potato, hardly worth the effort expended to try to extort
> me.
> > Most all of my documents are stored on the cloud, and almost nothing I
> > store is worth even a dollar's ransom. The only local vulnerability is
> the
> > documents I wrote today. But this leads me to thin, what if these
> ransomers
> > manage to penetrate the cloud itself?
> > Anybody who knows more about this is invited to tell me how to protect my
> > mostly worthless documents.
> >
> Two aspects of it ... keeping secret what needs to be secret, and
> hedging against data loss.
> About privacy, if yer "cloud" ain't failsafe-protected against ransom
> attacks, yer in trouble.
> About hedging against data loss, isn't the basic rule that we need to
> regularly backup to offsite safety at intervals that always prevent loss
> of more data than we can afford to lose?
> PB
> (ii) isn;t the basic rule
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