[dba-Tech] Money apps

Susan Harkins ssharkins at gmail.com
Thu Apr 28 11:49:57 CDT 2022

No issues with invalid transactions? 

We recently had an issue with our credit union. An old debit card that was used only once over a year ago suddenly started making charges -- almost a thousand dollars worth to Microsoft Xbox. 

They took care of it, but it was a nuisance just the same. They admitted that their software should've got the charges. 

What's ironic is that they did catch two charges of .95 and asked for verification by text, which I of course denied. 

But, that doesn't really have any bearing on the discussion, but it just seems like everybody is vulnerable. 

I know that everyone uses their phones too, which I'm extremely leery of doing. My younger sil insists  that the banking industry is very well protected. However, I just know that the minute I use my phone to transfer money, the entire checking and savings will disappear. 

I like Rocky's method of using a credit card -- they seem to offer more protection and are easier to use when something bad does happen. 

Will these apps like you transfer funds using a credit card in lieu of a debit card? 

Susan H. 

I use VenMo.  Their app UI sucks but it does work.

> This isn’t really a technical question, but I’m wondering how many of 
> you are using apps to transfer money? I’m a little leery of 
> non-banking apps that do this, but I’m old. 😉
> Can we discuss this here?
> Susan H.
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Colby Consulting
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