Francisco Tapia
fhtapia at
Mon Aug 29 13:25:16 CDT 2005
I'm messing around w/ XML and it's quite late I suppose since there really is so much I do not know... what I'm trying to do, I have a class that I use to create a complex XML, that is: I can save my xmldom object down to a file, but then I'd have to re-open it and read it all back into a string, and I wondered since it's in memory if I can just somehow save it to a string instead... any clues? Thanks WSOrder> - <Header> <CustID>FO440</CustID> <CompanyName /> <UserType /> <UserNo /> <Address1 /> <Address2 /> <Address3 /> <City /> <State /> <Zip /> <Country /> <Contact /> <Phone /> <Notes /> <ShipMethod /> <PurchaseOrder /> <ShipToID /> <SchedDate /> <Freight /> </Header> - <OrderItems> - <WSOrderItem> <PartNumber>93-1000</PartNumber> <Quantity>10</Quantity> <SerialNumber>21222</SerialNumber> </WSOrderItem> - <WSOrderItem> <PartNumber>22-2222</PartNumber> <Quantity>5</Quantity> <SerialNumber>50101</SerialNumber> </WSOrderItem> - <WSOrderItem> <PartNumber>33-3333</PartNumber> <Quantity>33</Quantity> <SerialNumber>696969</SerialNumber> </WSOrderItem> </OrderItems> </WSOrder> -- -Francisco |PC news with out the jargon! | Tsql and More...