[dba-VB] CommonDialog in VB6

Seth Galitzer sgsax at ksu.edu
Thu May 26 16:10:55 CDT 2005


No need to reinvent the wheel.  Look in the Download page of my website 
for "ChopIt!" under "Visual Basic 6.0 Samples".  That project contains 
code and a couple of modules for using the common file dialogs through 
API calls.  What you want is the Browse Folder dialog, which is only 
available through the Win32 API and even there is not documented very 
well.  There should be enough in my demo app to get you up and running 
fairly easily.


Bill Kollodge wrote:
> Hi folks, I'm using commondialogs to open files, I'd like to find
> something similar to allow the user to set paths.  The previous
> programmer used a combination of a dirList and drvList.  Anything
> similar to a commondialog to set just the path?
> Thanks,
> Bill Kollodge
> Software Engineering / CNC Products
> Park Industries
> St. Cloud, MN  56303
> bkollodge at parkindustries.com
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> _______________________________________________
Seth Galitzer                   sgsax at ksu.edu
Computing Specialist            http://puma.agron.ksu.edu/~sgsax
Dept. of Plant Pathology
Kansas State University

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