Francisco Tapia
fhtapia at
Tue Aug 11 13:14:55 CDT 2009
So it's been a while since I've done any programming in .net and this step is something I've never done in .net, I've done it in Access and VB in the past and involved writing classes, but am wondering how it's approached in .net (also for beginner you can point me to site you prefer if you like) my task. I have a simple .net app, it queries a database and populates a DataGridView control. I purpose of this app is that it reads the time information from our timeclock server so that users can easily see when their lunch or clock out time for the day are since they have a flexibility of +/- 10min for clocking in during the morning and at lunch. It works well, but some users have asked for a tolerance to allow the app to remind them as early as 10 minutes to clock out or as late as 1 min before they absolutely need to clock out. A settings form was then developed and now I'm scracthing my head as I think I should store these settings into an xml file, but thought that since I'm in .net that writing to an xml file that was added using the add new item in my project should be simpler but maybe I'm just wrong? -Francisco | Tsql and More...