Doug Murphy
dw-murphy at
Mon Jun 14 17:41:42 CDT 2010
Folks, I have an application on a web site that allows users to upload excel files and then import the data into their records. After the file is uploaded there is a routine that reads the header row and then reads the first ten records and then presents a page where the user selects which excel columns go into which field in the table we import into. All that works fine. The problem is that intermittently the excel file is locked, by an open connection I assume, and I can't get access to read in the data for the final import, I just get a error that the file is in use. All connections are closed after use so I can't figure out where the lock is coming from. Some similar postings I have read on the web indicate that forced garbage collection is required for this problem. Any one have similar experience or suggestions to get rid of the locking? Thanks in advance. Doug