[dba-VS] Microsoft Action Pack Subscription benefits

Jim Lawrence accessd at shaw.ca
Fri Dec 18 13:08:37 CST 2015

Hi Shamil:

Ha ha ha...

You don't have time to learn Linux technology? You are actually learning it anyways; Azure, Nodejs, Docker etc...along with the other open licensed products. The only difference is that you are accessing this technology through a Microsoft GUI...or distro. Canonical (Ubuntu), Redhat, Suse and Apache, to name a few, are under full contract to build Microsoft its new infrastructure.

All Microsoft products were built using the "integration" design method while Linux products are built on a "layered" design. That is why Microsoft, at this time, finds it so difficult to migrate their products to different platforms and hardware. It also makes Windows extremely unstable in unstable hardware environments. The Windows OS has to be completely debundled and basically rebuilt from scratch. There is an ongoing project within Microsoft that will allow the Windows core to install on a Raspberry PI but it is not an easy task...

Microsoft is not standing still and is quickly moving towards the Linux world. They even have their own, in-shop Linux version distro (http://bit.ly/1NBTiX7). 

I spoke to an old friend who is running a development shop, mostly using .Net, Visual Studio on Windows. He remarked, "I am too young for UNIX and too old for Linux so I work with Windows." He says by early in the new year his development team will have more Linux application programmers than Windows.

I for one, really like the new direction Microsoft  is going, under Satya Nadella. I believe that within ten years, the entire under-pinnings, of Microsoft will be Linux and their product line will be layer designed like Linux.

So in summary, you will not have to move to Linux, Linux will move to you. ;-)


----- Original Message -----
From: "Salakhetdinov Shamil" <mcp2004 at mail.ru>
To: "Development in Visual Studio" <dba-vs at databaseadvisors.com>
Sent: Friday, December 18, 2015 6:40:56 AM
Subject: Re: [dba-VS] Microsoft Action Pack Subscription benefits

 Hi Jim --

Thank you but it looks like I'm destined to stay with MS Windows and MS Office 265 and MS Azure :) - read: no time to learn Linux-only technologies - the ones coming these days from MS are consuming all the working and even free time....

BTW, do you know that Docker and nodejs are becoming "native development and deployment" tools for Visual Studio ?

Visual Studio 2015 Tools for Docker - November Preview 
  Node.js Tools for Visual Studio
-- Shamil

>Friday, December 18, 2015 1:19 AM -07:00 from Jim Lawrence <accessd at shaw.ca>:
>Hi Gustav and Shamil:
>I just read this article and wonder if it is timely. OwnCloud and Collabora Announce LibreOffice Online for your ownCloud Server. This is a product similar to 365 Office, also fully featured but can be setup within an office network or on a home managed Cloud server, on the network, or across the internet. 
>Here is a description and video describing the features:
>Aside: Have been using Google Docs to edit a book and it worked out very well. Sometime in the spring...but for now a full beta version can downloaded. We have been using our OwnCloud for passing pictures, managing the group calender, playing music anywhere and transferring documents back and forth. 
>It also seems that Western Digital and OwnCloud are getting together to create a simple network plugin Cloud server for the price of a 1 TB WD hard drive and a Raspberry PI 2 with OwnCloud and an OS pre-intalled.

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