[AccessD] Access Application - per unit cost

Shamil Salakhetdinov shamil at users.mns.ru
Fri Apr 7 18:55:50 CDT 2006

> but about the process by which things get done, how people
> perceive things, and how they communicate.  .

These processes are becoming more and more similar everywhere - believe me.

> That all affects the process
> flow, software design, and development effort
True, but partially, there are more conceptual things in business processes, 
which are invariant all around the World.
I'm reading here currently Allan Cooper "About Face 2.0" (another his famous 
book "The inmates are running the asylum") - this is a book how modern 
software interfaces should be designed and developed - of course if one 
reads/writes right to left then the software interface should differ in that 
area but that's all probably.

Software like CRM may still differ considerably because local habits and 
behaviors in different places on this small planet are rather different but 
the ways of handling business and software for modern small-/middle- size 
and especially corporate level businesses are quickly getting unified...

> there are still fundamental differences in the way people in different
> nations get things done.
Jim, I think, there is no such fundamental differences - we're very much 
alike, believe me or not.
Communism/totalitarism here and in the countries influenced by it created 
some of still existing current differences in life level.
Colonialism of the 19th and the first part of 20th century created the 
differences we still have between the West and the "free from communistic 
heritage/influence" Latin America, Asia and Africa

When first time on the West in 1995 in Germany (Hamburg) I was so surprised 
how ineffectively they have organized their business, how chaotic, hectic 
and stressful their life is - the first my open question was: "How it comes 
that in this situation they have so high average life level?" - the simple 
answer come from one of my colleague who was originally from Russia and who 
lived in Germany by that time for many years and who had a German by 
nationality wife and kids - he said: "We in Germany have 8% of population 
working hard and effectively, you there in Russia have 4% - these 4% make 
all the difference". I believed him that time and the more I see the more 
I'm getting convinced that he was very true. The current differences are 
historical heritage but this World's countries are very quickly getting 
their 8% of active population working hard and in another 50 years or less 
all the differences in the life level should disappear by the wealth created 
by these 8% of World's active population....

Well, there are some rather important fundamental differences between the 
West and the East workstyles I think:

- Western people rarely start working without (at least rough) planning of 
what they will do and if they plan something then they rather strictly 
follow this plan and "fight till the end" - Eastern people often start and 
go "nowhere" without clear plans, with often changing minds etc;
- another fundamental difference is IMO that Western people do invest 
significant time and resources into environment/business infrastructure even 
before they start the real business - and Eastern people can make their 
business without such preparations and the absence of such preparations 
plays very bad in long run...

And of course the most fundamental difference is that a human being's life 
is "dirt cheap" here and priceless there...

But, once again, software programming for business applications is very much 
alike here and there - this observation comes from my real life experience 
in programming for businesses and in communicating with customers here and 


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Dettman" <jimdettman at earthlink.net>
To: "'Access Developers discussion and problem solving'" 
<accessd at databaseadvisors.com>
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2006 2:49 AM
Subject: Re: [AccessD] Access Application - per unit cost

> Shamil,
> <<> Folks overseas don't really understand how
>> we do business here.
> I'm sorry - this is not correct statement, Jim :)>>
>  I do believe it is.  I notice differences even here in the US between
> North and South and East and West.  I'm not talking about how to keep a 
> set
> of books, but about the process by which things get done, how people
> perceive things, and how they communicate.  That all affects the process
> flow, software design, and development effort.
>  This in no way was a put down of anyone.  If I as a developer moved to
> India, Russia, or China, outside of the language issues, I would still 
> have
> difficulty in working efficiently.
>  For example, if developing software for China, how many mistakes would I
> make because I read left to right and top to bottom?  My head has been
> programmed to work that way over 40 years and it's not something I'd 
> unlearn
> overnight.
>  Granted this is all starting to change with a global economy, but there
> are still fundamental differences in the way people in different nations 
> get
> things done.
>  Hiring a developer half way around the world to develop a complex piece 
> of
> software in my book is just asking for trouble.
> Jim.

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