Stuart McLachlan
stuart at
Tue Feb 24 16:26:46 CST 2009
So let me get this clear. Your argument is: 1. I need to store a string value for each control. 2. Controls has been designed with a property specifically for this purpose. 3. I won't use the property in case I need to use it for something else later on, instead I will build a complete new system which will allow me to do all sorts of neat things with controls in case I need to in the future. May I refer you to Shamil's posting last Friday in this thread? <quote> May I warn you about what is known as: "Premature Optimization" and "Premature Generalization" Have a look: "Death by premature generalization" </quote> -- Stuart On 24 Feb 2009 at 13:27, Drew Wutka wrote: > Sorry to chime in here late...but if you use tags for a system wide > process you completely eliminate the ability to use the tags on the fly > for other purposes. >