jwcolby at colbyconsulting.com
Sat Jan 21 06:18:21 CST 2012
Views really only get you so far though. All of the "send me the entire index so I can pick out the records I want" thing is still going to occur. IOW subform data sets cannot be filtered by SQL Server, where it could if it was done in an ADO recordset which I used dynamic code to fill. John W. Colby Colby Consulting Reality is what refuses to go away when you do not believe in it On 1/21/2012 6:30 AM, Arthur Fuller wrote: > The easiest way to bind forms with SQL Server is to use views. And as > Charlotte suggested, you can create recordsets based on those, for the > heavy lifting parts of your code. I have done both many times and can > attest that this approach works. I see no need to go to unbound forms, > unless you want to -- which, in your case, I doubt. > > Try it on a little toy app before deciding. Migrate the data from a simple > existing app to SQL, then create views into each table. Where necessary, > create multi-table views by joining two single-table views. Use your > existing recordset code as is, replacing only the name of the table(s) with > the name(s) of the equivalent views. >