[AccessD] 32->64 bit
Stuart McLachlan
stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Mon Nov 8 17:10:08 CST 2021
On 8 Nov 2021 at 17:11, Bill Benson wrote:
> I would certainly not start with some behemoth compendium of all
> available WinAPIs, I would start with what are the bare number of APIs
> I can get away with to make my tool do what it is supposed to do.
So where do you suggest he finds suitable declarations for the "bare number" of outdated
API declarations he is currently using. :)
The "behemoth compilation" is a well laid out a simple 16,000 line text file.
Any decent text editor such as Notepad++ will let him easily find the appropriate Types and
Declarations for any functions he is currently using
Old Function:
lStructSize As Long
hwndOwner As Long
hInstance As Long
lpstrFilter As String
lpstrCustomFilter As String
nMaxCustFilter As Long
nFilterIndex As Long
lpstrFile As String
nMaxFile As Long
lpstrFileTitle As String
nMaxFileTitle As Long
lpstrInitialDir As String
lpstrTitle As String
flags As Long
nFileOffset As Integer
nFileExtension As Integer
lpstrDefExt As String
lCustData As Long
lpfnHook As Long
lpTemplateName As String
End Type
Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias _
"GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long
Search on "Type OPENFILENAME" finds
lStructSize As Long
hwndOwner As LongPtr
hInstance As LongPtr
lpstrFilter As String
lpstrCustomFilter As String
nMaxCustFilter As Long
nFilterIndex As Long
lpstrFile As String
nMaxFile As Long
lpstrFileTitle As String
nMaxFileTitle As Long
lpstrInitialDir As String
lpstrTitle As String
flags As Long
nFileOffset As Integer
nFileExtension As Integer
lpstrDefExt As String
lCustData As LongPtr
lpfnHook As LongPtr
lpTemplateName As String
'#if (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500)
pvReserved As LongPtr
dwReserved As Long
FlagsEx As Long
'#endif // (_WIN32_WINNT >= 0x0500)
End Type
Declare PtrSafe Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "GetOpenFileNameA"
(pOpenfilename As OPENFILENAME) As Long
followed by a list of relevant OFN_ constants.
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