[dba-Tech] Social Media

Arthur Fuller fuller.artful at gmail.com
Thu May 23 11:43:36 CDT 2019

Call me anything you want, I can even submit some appellations:
anti-social-media for starters. I hare Facebook, Twitter and all the rest
of these evil sites. Several years ago I signed up to FB, then tried to
delete my account, only to learn that it's a process that takes a month.
What I have to declare is my simple belief that "Social Media Sucks!" These
are evil techs, masquerading as your friends. Detach yourself now or become
part of the conspiracy to map the world, for the benefit of the advertisers
who pay for the asides.
It's drop-dead simple: If it free to you, then you are the product. There's
no way around this thesis. The only way these companies can make money is
by selling you -- and that means your clicks, your browser history, your FB
Likes, and so on. Whatever you think is free, that means you are the
product. Think carefully about that the next time you login to any site.


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