[dba-VB] Smtp mail from vb.net

Stuart McLachlan stuart at lexacorp.com.pg
Thu Aug 18 21:39:05 CDT 2005

On 18 Aug 2005 at 21:57, John W. Colby wrote:

>     'Optional CC, BCC: CC and bcc recipients
>     'SMTPSERVER: Optional, if not specified 
>     'local machine is used
> When I call the function not passing in an smtp server, nothing obvious
> happens, no exception thrown.  No email is delivered to my mail box though.

Do you have an SMTP server running on your local machine? 

> If I pass in mySMTP server for outlook mail.optonline.com, it throws an
> error "system.web.httpexception - could not access cdo.message object".
> Any ideas?  

Not really, but SMTP certainly shouldn't be going anywhere near anything 
called ".web.http....."

If not does anyopne have a drop in function for sending email
> that they can walk me through using??
Try Blat.DLL from http://www.geocities.com/toby_korn/blat/
It's easy to use and I can talk you through it if you run into problems.

Lexacorp Ltd
Information Technology Consultancy, Software Development,System Support.

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